Finca La Montañita

Finca La Montañita was started in 1984 by agronomist José Humberto González Morales when he decided to plant his first coffee tree, which is still standing today. The farm is located in Aldea Sansupo, Mataquescuintla, Jalapa, Guatemala and sits between 1750 to 2000 meters above sea level. In 2013, the relationship between Finca La Montañita and 606 Coffee Roasters began.

Jose Humberto is currently experimenting with new ways of processing coffee by fermenting it in orange peels and their yellow Catuai varietal. They competed in the Cup of Excellence for the first time in 2018, placing 33rd. Fun fact about José Humberto González Morales is that 30 years ago he discovered the varietal Pache Colis and named it after his towns’ nickname “Colis”. He has been given the credit and patent by ANACAFE (Guatemala’s National Coffee Association).


Finca La Montañita

SKU montanita Category


Farmer: José Humberto González Morales
Location: Aldea Sansupo, Mataquescuintla, Jalapa, Guatemala
Altitude: 1750 to 2000 meters above sea level
Established: 1984
Cup of Excellence: 2018 Placed 33rd
Variety: Yellow Catuai
Process: Orange Peels fermentation
Discovered: Pache Colis

Additional information

Weight N/A

8oz(Whole Bean) $15.00, 12oz(Whole Bean) $21.00

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